IASK - International Association for the Scientific Knowledge  



Call for papers
Key dates
Author guidelines
Keynote speakers

Advances in Tourism Research 2008: Registration

At least one author of each accepted paper must register and pay the appropriate conference fee for the paper to be printed in the conference proceedings. A reduced fee is payable for each additional paper.

Payment of conference registration should be made in Euros in the form of bank transfer (all costs at transmitters' charge). After payment, please send a digital copy of the bank receipt and the registration form to [email protected]. Otherwise, conference registration will not be considered.


Conference Rates

Conference rates are as follows:

Registration Fees
(Prices in EUR)

Until April 28th
(Early Registration)
After April 28th
(Late Registration)
Regular Authors 320 475
Authors presenting
more than one paper
Extra 75 per additional paper or poster Extra 75 per additional paper or poster
Committee Members)
(15% Discount)
(15% Discount)
Non Authors* 200 200

*Does not include book of proceedings or CD.

Conference fees include all conference sessions, all timetabled refreshments, luncheons, conference receptions, excursion, social dinner and copies of the conference proceedings in book and CD form.

Please note that if you do not attend the conference for any reason, only the CD with the proceedings will be sent to your mail address upon request (extra mail charges are paid if you want the book of proceedings).

Extra Book of Proceedings: 100 EUR (one book volume where your paper is published is already included with all authors registrations).

Extra CD of Proceedings: 15 EUR.

NOTE: After April 28th, papers will not be published in the book of proceedings.


Cancellation Policy

Authors Registration Fees

We regret we cannot provide refunds for author registrations since publication of paper is dependent upon registration and the preparation of the conference volume starts immediately upon selection of papers/payment of author fees.

Non-authors Registration Fees

Cancellation by Friday May 9th 2008 - 50% refund
Cancellation after Friday May 9th 2008 - No Refund


  2008 - 2018 IASK