IASK - International Association for the Scientific Knowledge  


E-ALT2009 &

Call for papers
Key dates
Author guidelines
Keynote speakers

E-Activity and Leading Technologies 2009: Programme

The preliminary programme of the conference is the following:

December 3
December 4
    Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions
11:00 Coffee Break Coffee Break
  Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions
  Lunch Lunch
14:30 Registration at Welcome Desk   Keynote Speaker
15:00 Opening Ceremony and Keynote Speakers
16:00 Coffee Break
16:30 Welcome
Parallel Sessions
  Parallel Sessions Conference Excursion and Social Dinner
17:30 Closing Ceremony


Final detailed programme for the Conference:

Registration at the Hall of Padre Soler Building
(Wednesday, 3-12-2009, 14h00 - 14h30)


Plenary Session - Keynote Speakers
(Wednesday, 3-12-2009, 14h30 - 16h00)

Chair: Professor Mario Mu�oz - University Carlos III of Madrid - Spain

Aula de Grados � Edf. Padre Soler          Language: English

Professor Domingos Ferreira - New University of Lisbon - Portugal
Buyer Behaviour Evaluation in B2B


16h00 - 17h00: Welcome Cocktail at the Professor Cafeteria (1st floor)


Session W 1.1 - Applied Mathematics, Computing and Algorithms
(Wednesday, 3-12-2009, 17h00-18h30)

Chair: Prof. Mario Mu�oz - University Carlos III of Madrid - Spain

Aula de Grados � Edf. Padre Soler          Language: English

L. Di Lascio, E. Fischetti and A. Gisolfi
A Fuzzy-Based Method for Environmental Evaluation

Jose M. Brotons and Jose A. Trigueros
Fuzzy Test to Contrast the Expectation Theory in the TSIR: An Application to the E-learning Services

Alessandro Andreoli, Folco Fioretti, Samuele Pasqualini, Paola Pierleoni and Sandro Tumini
A New Objective Parameter for Video Quality Assessment

J. J. Dominguez-Jimenez, A. Estero-Botaro and I. Medina-Bulo
Mutant Generation for Web Services Compositions with Genetic Algorithms


Session W 1.2 - ICT and Teaching Methodologies
(Wednesday, 3-12-2009, 17h00-18h30)

Chair: Prof. M�. Dolores Alonso Su�rez � Univ. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Spain

Classroom 4.0D.03 � Edf. Torres Quevedo          Language: Portuguese/Spanish

Felipa Lopes dos Reis and Antonio Eduardo Martins
O Papel do E-Learning Scorecard no Meio Ambiente da Educazio Online

Jose Alberto Lencastre and Maria Jose Ara�jo
Educazio On-line: Uma Introduzio

M� Belen Vaquerizo Garcia and Antonio Eduardo Renedo Mena
Aplicacion de los Mapas Conceptuales en la Preparacion de Programas Educativos en la Educacion a Distancia

Felipa Lopes dos Reis and Antonio Eduardo Martins
Evoluzio Tecnologica do Ensino Tradicional


Session T 1.1 - Advances in E-Learning Development
(Thursday, 4-12-2009, 9h00-10h30)

Chair: Prof. Carlos Hern�ndez Carrion - University of Burgos - Spain

Classroom 1.0C.02 � Edf. Betancourt          Language: English

Arda Arikan
Prospective English Language Teachers� Foreign Language Skills and the Internet

Deryn Graham
Evolving a Cooperative Work Framework for e-Learning

Maria Dolores Afonso Su�rez
Software Interactive Applications: Engineering of E-Learning Tools Creation

Rishi Ruttun
Evaluating the Effects of Integrated Visual Elements in Hypermedia Learning: A Domain Expertise Matter Approach


Session T 1.2 - E-Learning and Distance Learning
(Thursday, 4-12-2009, 9h00-10h30)

Chair: Prof. Pedro Cravo - Polytechnic Institute of Beja - Portugal

Classroom 1.0F.03 � Edf. Betancourt          Language: Portuguese/Spanish

Fernando Ferreira and Fernando Teixeira
Soluzies Inform�ticas no Apoio � Explorazio Cognitiva e � Tomada de Decis�o

Felipa Lopes dos Reis and Antonio Eduardo Martins
Novos Desafios Para O Ensino Com Bolonha: A Soluzio de e-Learning

Fernando Ferreira, Pedro Cravo e Fernando Teixeira
Os Problemas de Literacia na Explorazio do E-Banking

M� Belen Vaquerizo Garcia and Antonio Eduardo Renedo Mena
Consideraciones en la Programacion de Asignaturas en e-Learning

Antonio Eduardo Martins and Felipa Lopes dos Reis
Gerazizzis de Inovazio Tecnologica no Ensino � Dist�ncia


10h30 - 11h00: Coffee Break at the Professor Cafeteria (1st floor)


Session T 2.1 - E-Commerce, M-Commerce and E-Business Strategies
(Thursday, 4-12-2009, 11h00-12h30)

Chair: Prof. Domingos Ferreira - New University of Lisbon - Portugal

Classroom 1.0C.02 � Edf. Betancourt          Language: English

S. San Martin, C. Hern�ndez and LI Valls
E-Commerce From the Perspective of Spanish and Japanese Firms

Kl�ra Antlova and Lubomir Popelinskz
Predicting Information System Competencies in Small and Medium Enterprises with Data Mining Methods

Borislav Jo�anov, Ivana Jo�anov, Radovan Tomić and Dragica Tomić
Communication and Human Resource Management as Factors of e-Business Strategy: Cases from Serbia

Marco Remondino, Marco Pironti and Roberto Schiesari
Word of Mouth and Perception as Biases to ICT Diffusion in SME's: A Simulation

Husna Osman and Hamish Taylor
Towards a Reference Model for M-Commerce over Ad Hoc Wireless Networks


Session T 2.2 - Corporate ICT
(Thursday, 4-12-2009, 11h00-12h30)

Chair: Prof. Mario Mu�oz - University Carlos III of Madrid - Spain

Classroom 1.0F.03 � Edf. Betancourt          Language: Portuguese/Spanish

Domingos Jose da Silva Ferreira
O Modelo de Comportamento do Comprador nas EDI, Cadeias de Valor, Marketplaces e Empresas Virtuais na Internet

C. Lozano Gutierrez and F. Fuentes Martan
La Valoracion de Empresas Biotecnologicas con Tecnicas de Inteligencia Artificial

Celia Alves, Liliana Monteiro, Fernanda Barbosa, Ana Borges and Jorge Barbosa
SICOP � Sistema de Inovazio, Controlo e Optimizazio de Produtos

Nuno Almeida, Ricardo Figueiredo and Jorge Barbosa
Disponibilizazio On-Line de Plantas de Localizazio para Instruzio de Processos de Licenciamento de Obras

Fernando Ferreira, Maria Basilio and Fernando Teixeira
Technological Labour Adequacy in Lower Alentejo


13h00 - 14h30: Lunch at the Professor Cafeteria (1st floor)



Cultural visit to the �Madrid de los Austrias� (2hrs. walking tour)

Meeting point: PLAZA MAYOR, 27 (in front of the painting building)



�La Capilla de la Bolsa� Restaurant

Address: C/ La Bolsa, 12 � Phone: 915218623


Session F 1.1 - Security Issues and Verification Techniques
(Friday, 5-12-2009, 09h30-11h00)

Chair: Prof. Pedro Cravo - Polytechnic Institute of Beja - Portugal

Classroom 7.2J.02 � Edf. Juan Benet          Language: English

Jose Maraa Alonso Cebri�n
RFD (Remote File Downloading) Using Blind SQL Injection Techniques

Jarrod Trevathan
Cryptographic Online Auction Schemes

Jarrod Trevathan
Performance Evaluation of Handwritten Signature Verification Techniques


Session F 1.2 - Information Systems, Data Bases and Data Quality
(Friday, 5-12-2009, 09h30-11h00)

Chair: Prof. Fernando Teixeira - Polytechnic Institute of Beja - Portugal

Classroom 7.2J.03 � Edf. Juan Benet          Language: English

S.V. Udapudi, B.L. Lim and L. Vila-Ruiz
XDBML: An Extensible Database Markup Language for Web Development

M.P. Angeles and F. Garcia-Ugalde
Assessing Data Quality by Considering Conflict Resolution Function

M.P. Angeles and F. Garcia-Ugalde
User Stereotypes for the Analysis of Data Quality According to the Type of Information Systems


11h00 - 11h30: Coffee Break at the Professor Cafeteria (1st floor)


Session F 2.1 - Information Systems, Geo-Systems and Decision Aid
(Friday, 5-12-2009, 11h30-13h00)

Chair: Prof. Arda Arakan - Hacettepe University - Turkey

Classroom 7.2J.03 � Edf. Juan Benet          Language: English

M. Vaz, S. Aires, J. Negreiros, M. Painho, F. Aguilar and M. Aguilar
X3D for Geo-referenced Information

Udo Richard Averweg and Jose L. Rold�n
Searching and Browsing to Facilitate Decision-Making:Using Executive Information Systems

V.A. Dimitrova
An Application of Sensitivity and Stability Analysis for Selecting the Best Alternative

Pedro Cravo
The Importance of Geographic Information Systems to Tourism Itineraries


Session F 2.2 - E-Business and Web Environment
(Friday, 5-12-2009, 11h30-13h00)

Chair: Prof. Carlos Hern�ndez Carrion - University of Burgos - Spain

Classroom 7.2J.02 � Edf. Juan Benet          Language: Portuguese/Spanish

Domingos Jose da Silva Ferreira
Um Novo Paradigma do e-Marketing B2B

Domingos Jose da Silva Ferreira
O Modelo de Comportamento do Comprador nas Empresas Virtuais

Adelaide Bianchini, Maruja Ortega and Asc�nder Su�rez
Captura y Especificacion de Requerimientos en Desarrollos Web

Luas Morgado, Pedro Sousa, Ana Borges, Fernanda Barbosa and Jorge Barbosa
SGAV � Software de Gest�o de Actividade de Vendedores

Neuza Ferreira, Pedro Cravo e Fernando Teixeira
A Evoluzio da e-Economia em Portugal: Alguma Evid�ncia Emparica


13h00 - 14h30: Lunch at the Professor Cafeteria (1st floor)


Plenary Session - Keynote Speaker
(Friday, 5-12-2009, 14h30-16h00)

Chair: Prof. Mario Mu�oz - University Carlos III of Madrid - Spain

Classroom 1.0.F.02 � Edf. Betancout          Language: English

Professor Subhas Misra - Harvard University - USA
Adopting Agile Software Project Management Practices: Success Factors, Changes Required and Challenges


16h00 - 16h30: Coffee Break at the Professor Cafeteria (1st floor)


Session F 3.1 - ICT and Learning Environment
(Friday, 5-12-2009, 16h30-18h00)

Chair: Prof. Arda Arakan - Hacettepe University - Turkey

Classroom 4.2.E.03 � Edf. Torres Quevedo          Language: English

Jowati Binti Juhary
The Learning Environment at the National Defence University of Malaysia

Maraa Dolores Afonso Suarez
MLMS Prometeo: Multimedia Learning Management System

Maraa Dolores Afonso Suarez
Multimedia Educative Contents

Ani Grubi�ić, Slavomir Stankov and Zdeslav Hrepic
Comparing the Effectiveness of Learning Content Management Systems to Intelligent Tutoring Systems


Session F 3.2 - Web Environments, Web Accessibility, Software Engineering and Virtual Reality
(Friday, 5-12-2009, 16h30-18h00)

Chair: Prof. Mario Mu�oz � University Carlos III of Madrid � Spain

Classroom 1.0.F.02 � Edf. Betancout          Language: English

Paulo Freitas and Rui Rocha
Adapting Wiki Pages� Presentation to People with Different Patterns of Preferences and Needs

J. de Andres, P. Lorca and A.B. Martanez
Social Responsibility versus Efficiency Gains. Which are the Factors that Underlie in the Implementation of Web Accessibility by Listed Firms?

R. Martan-Clemente, S. Hornillo-Mellado, M. Elena-Perez and I. Roman-Martinez
Blind Signal Separation: Neural Network Estimation of Foetal ECG

A. Heleno, R. Clemente, F. Barbosa, N.Martins, B. Duarte, J. Barbosa , M. Lacerda and P. Figueiredo
On-Line Diagnostics of Breast Neoplasic and Pre-Neoplasic Lesions


Closing Ceremony
(Friday, 5-12-2009, 18h00-18h30)

Classroom 1.0.F.02 � Edf. Betancout          Language: English

Professor Mario Mu�oz - Carlos III University of Madrid - Spain
Closing Speach

Pedro Cravo - Polytechnic Institute of Beja - Portugal
Conference's Statistics


Please, follow the next guidelines for presenters:


  • Presenters should get the updated Programme that is distributed with the conference bags, search for their presentation slot and be in the presentation room 5 minutes before the session starts. The presentations are performed by the order the papers appear in the Programme except if anyone requests for changes and the session chair agrees to them. Conference presenters must follow session chairs indications and comply with the presentation times that they are allowed to.

  • Each presenter will have 15 to 20 minutes for presentation and 5 to 10 minutes for discussion. Each room has a laptop and a projector for PowerPoint presentations. There's no overhead projector. All authors are required to bring their presentations in electronic format (i.e., Power Point).

  • As a precaution, presentations can be previously emailed to [email protected].

  • Please contact IASK Secretariat on arrival if you have any specific requirements.


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