IASK - International Association for the Scientific Knowledge  



Call for papers
Key dates
Author guidelines
Keynote speakers

Teaching and Learning: Programme

This is the final program for the Conference.

May 26th
May 27t
May 28th
    Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions
10:30 Coffee Break Coffee Break
  Parallel Sessions Keynote Speaker
  Lunch Lunch
14:00 Registration at Welcome Desk Conference Excursion and Social Dinner Parallel Sessions
14:30 Opening Ceremony and Keynote Speakers
15:30 Coffee Break
16:00 Welcome
Parallel Sessions
  Parallel Sessions
17:00 Closing Ceremony

Final detailed programme for Teaching and Learning 2008 Conference

We apologise, but change requests will not be considered

Plenary Session - Keynote Speakers
(Monday, 26-May-2008, 14:30 - 16:30)

Peter Reimann - University of Sydney - Australia
Learning to Learn and Work in Net-Based Teams: Supporting Emergent Collaboration

Michael Kompf - Brock University - Canada
There is Always Hope� The Future of Knowledge and Knowing in Higher Education


Session M 1.1 - First Journeys
(Monday, 26-May-2008, 17H00-19H00)

Chair: Professor Riitta Jyrh�m� � University of Helsinki � Finland

J. Allan, K. Clarke and M. Jopling
Notions of Effective Teaching: An Exploration of Students� and Lecturers� Perceptions of First Year Education Undergraduates

Iris Lopes and Efig�nio Rebelo
Choosing Degrees in the University of the Algarve School of Economics

Mariano Porcu, Marco Pitzalis and Isabella Sulis
Differences of Cultural Capital Among Students in Transition to University: Some Evidencies From a Survey

Leila Pehkonen and Aino-Maija Lahtinen
University Students� First Journeys of Exploration into the World of Research

L�dia Sim�o and Filipe Coelho
�Customer� Orientation in Secondary Schools

Nilza Costa, Isabel Huet, Jos� Tavares, Cristina Oliveira, Paulo Oliveira, Jos� Bessa and Dayse Neri de Souza
Enhance Teaching and Learning in First-Year Science and Engineering Courses: An On-Going Project at the University of Aveiro


Session M 1.2 - E-Learning, M-Learning and Information Systems
(Monday, 26-May-2008, 17H00-19H00)

Chair: Professor Adrian Kirkwood � Open University � United Kingdom

Rui Jesus and Fernando Moreira
eLearning and Solidarity: Myths and Realities

Fahad N. Al-Fahad
Surveying Instructor and Learner Attitudes Toward E-learning Courses in College of Applied Studies and Community Service in Saudi Arabia

A. Baldaque and M. Calejo
Towards a New Generation User Help Platform: a Preliminary Review of Relevant Fields

Hepu Deng
Curriculum Developments in Information Systems Education: An Empical Analysis

Erika de Souza and Daniela Melar�
M-Learning and Educational Process: A Research Agenda

Ayodele O. Ogunleye
Evaluating an Online Learning Programme from Students Perspectives


Session M 1.3 - Health Education, Nursing Education and Learning Difficulties
(Monday, 26-May-2008, 17H00-19H00)

Chair: Professor Vivienne Griffiths � University of Sussex � United Kingdom

Teresa Vila�a
Development Dynamics of Action-Oriented Learning on Health Education

Chiu Shao-I; Huang Der-hsiang and Hu Hsiu-Yuan
A Study on Information Literacy and the Digital Gap in Adolescents in Taiwan

Rossana Marilli
An International Cooperation Program for Improving Nursing Education in Syria: Some Strategies and Lessons

Bego�a de la Iglesia Mayol
Music For All: An Experience in the Professional Conservatory of Music and Dance of Palma, Majorca

G. R. Pereira and A. S. Pereira
HIV/AIDS Teaching and Learning Necessities


Session M 1.4 - Knowledge Management
(Monday, 26-May-2008, 17H00-19H00)

Chair: Professor Milena Remis � Columbia University � USA

Alina Preda and Vasile Preda
The Role of Cooperative and Collaborative Learning in the Development of Metacognitive Skills

Paulo Almeida Pereira
Data Mining as a Tool to Provide Enhanced Knowledge Management

Ali Simsek and Jale Balaban
Learning Strategies of Successful and Unsuccessful University Students

L. Cardoso, A. Meireles, A. Gomes
Knowledge Management and Training: Searching a New Relational Sense

D. Cranfield and J. Taylor
Knowledge Management and Higher Education: A UK Case Study

Ruth Wallace
Social Partnerships in Learning Frameworks: Learning Across Knowledge and Identity Boundaries


Session T 1.1 - Students' Skills Improvement
(Tuesday, 27-May-2008, 9H00-10H30)

Chair: Professor Angela Rickard � National University of Ireland � Ireland

Rainer Baumann
Activation of Students in Lectures

Lara Godec Sor�ak
Students� Oral Presentations

Abdulkadir Erdogan, Emel Ozdemir Erdogan, Omer Garan and Mine Guler
A New Learning Environment of Scientific Process for Pupils

M. Helena Pedrosa de Jesus, Mike Watts and Patr�cia Almeida
The Snowball Effects of Students� Questions: Contributions of Mini-Projects

C. Ribeiro, A. S. Pereira, J. Tavares and I. Huet
Improving Student�s Skills in Higher Education


Session T 1.2 - Brain and Emotional Intelligence
(Tuesday, 27-May-2008, 9H00-10H30)

Chair: Professor Desiree Cranfield � University of Southampton � United Kingdom

Charlotte Ringsmose
Bring the Brain to School - Brain Based Learning in Special Needs Education

M. Gestal, D. Rivero, J. Dorado, J. R. Rabu�al and A. Pazos
The Artificial Neural Networks subject in the European Higher Education Area

Hanan Yaniv and Susan Crichton
S-AI-L: Simulated, Adventure Intelligent, Learning: An Instructional Design Model

Lucy Rai
Responding to Emotion in Practice-Based Learning

Milena Remis
Teaching, Learning, The Brain and Emotional Intelligence


Session T 1.3 - Writing Issues
(Tuesday, 27-May-2008, 9H00-10H30)

Chair: Professor Alcina Nunes � Polytechnic Institute of Bragan�a � Portugal

Yu-Ju Chang
The Effects of �Academic Paper Writing Conferencing Teaching Program� on Writing Quality and Writing Attitude of University Students

Paula Lee Kristmanson, Joseph Dicks and Jos�e Le Bouthillier
�CRI: A Writing Model Incorporating Best Practices in French Immersion

Serge S�vigny, Isabelle Beaudoin, and Julien D�amours-Raymond
Subjective Writing Assessment and Reliable Feedback: Is it Possible?


Session T 1.4 - Teaching and Learning Strategies
(Tuesday, 27-May-2008, 9H00-10H30)

Chair: Professor Anne Lessard � University of Sherbrooke � Canada

V. Pavlika
A Discussion of Different Teaching Approaches Adopted During a Programming Tutorial

Caroline Miller
Teaching In Higher Education: Dealing With Difference

Lynn McQuarrie and Phillip McRae
Creativity, Complexity and Choice in Educational Practice: Celebrating Differentiated Instruction and the Alberta Initiative for School Improvement (AISI)

L�cia Pombo, Maria Jo�o Loureiro, Ana Balula Dias and Ant�nio Moreira
Teaching and Evaluation Strategies in Online Contexts � the Case Study of Educational Software Evaluation

Ruth Herrero, Isabel M. Solano and Juan P. Solano
Teaching and Learning Methodologies in Engineering to Develop Students� Competencies

Ilknur Yuksel
Pre-service Teachers� Teaching Anxiety: Its Reasons and Coping Strategies


Session T 2.1 - Technology and Multimedia in Education
(Tuesday, 27-May-2008, 11H00-12H30)

Chair: Professor Marcos Gestal � University of Coru�a � Spain

Cheryl Howard
Integrating Technologies to Enhance Distance/Online Education: A Tool that Supports both Development and Learning

Allan Kelvin Mendes de Sales, Giovanni Cordeiro Barroso, Jos� Marques Soares and Paulo C�sar Corte
PARALLAX - Distance Collaboration in a Real Basic Electronics Laboratory: Modeling and Validation Using Colored Petri Nets

Adelina Silva
Real Worlds, Virtual Worlds � Young People in Chat Rooms

Ana Margarida Veiga Sim�o, F�tima Cruz Duarte and Paula Costa Ferreira
A Review of Self-regulated Learning in TELEs

M.Conlon and V.Pavlika
A Discussion of Video Capturing for Teaching Programming


Session T 2.2 - Classroom Management
(Tuesday, 27-May-2008, 11H00-12H30)

Chair: Professor Blaine Hatt � Nipissing University � Canada

Nigel Quirke-Bolt and Angela Rickard
Social Networking, as a Pedagogic Tool: Linking Schools in Asia and Europe to Support Classroom Project Work

Ali Mer�
Willingness to Communicate Inside the Classroom for Foregn Language Learners: A Study with Turkish Learners

L. Trudel and A. M�tioui
Use of the Discussion Method in the Physics Classroom: The Case of Kinematics

Nobuhiro Inuzuka, Tomofumi Nakano and Kosaku Shimomura
Friendship Analysis Using Attendance Records to University Lecture Classes

Anne Lessard, Sylvine Schmidt and Martine Poirier
Inclusive Classroom Management: A Case Study


Session T 2.3 - Assessment Systems and Regulatory Models
(Tuesday, 27-May-2008, 11H00-12H30)

Chair: Professor Bridget Collins � University of Limerick � Ireland

John Kenny
Evaluating Strategic Change Projects in an Organizational Context

Daniel Hunyadi, Lulian Pah and Mircea Musan
Multi-agent System Used for Evaluation of Students

Undurthy Lakshmi Narayana
Continuous Assessment Scheme to Develop Personal and Social Qualities

Ant�nio Caleiro
A Proposal for an Evolutionary Assessment Criterion

Bashar H. Sader, Hassan A. Arafat and Rania M. Ismail
Effect of Academic Field on Student Evaluations of Faculty Members� Teaching Performance: A Palestinian Experience

H. Keller and U. Iberer
Pedagogical Success Factors of Part-time Master Programmes

A.P. Cabral, F.F. Lemos, M.D. Lous�, J. Monteiro, A. Rodrigues, P. Silva and M. Val�rio
Academic and Professional Trajectories Towards Employability


Session T 2.4 - Teaching Mathematics
(Tuesday, 27-May-2008, 11H00-12H30)

Chair: Professor Fernando Teixeira � Polythecnic Institute of Beja � Portugal

O. Akkuş
Creatıve Drama: As an Alternatıve Teachıng Method ın Mathematıcs Classrooms

Joy Lam Lai-ki
Small-group Teaching for Engineering Undergraduates on Mathematics Courses - Qualitative Analysis

Alcina Nunes and Carlos Balsa
Teaching Methodologies and Open Source Software: Empirical Application to Econometrics and Mathematics

J. Bintaş, O. D�nmez and M. F. Gelibolu
Can We Trace Learners� Problem Solving Practises: hasLOGO Experience

Murat Altun
The Mathematics Teacher Trainees� Skills and Opinions on Solving Non-Routine Mathematical Problems

A. Devesa, C. Perea, P. Campillo and V. Herranz
Teaching Strategies for Mathematical Competences for Engineers in the EHEA




Session W 1.1 - E-Learning, M-Learning and Information Systems
(Wednesday, 28-May-2008, 09H00-10H30)

Chair: Professor Isabel Huet � University of Aveiro � Portugal

A. Kardan and A. Nassiry
Grid Learning; a New Paradigm for Distributed e-Learning

F. Neri de Souza, M. Watts and A. Moreira
E-Questioning Tutorial

Adrian Kirkwood
E-learning: You Don�t Always Get What You Hope For

M. Goman, J. Dimitrov, M. Nazha and H. Rajakaruna
A Methodology for On-Line Enforced Learning

I.I. Moisil, I. Pah and D. Chiribuca
Enhancing e-Learning Usability and Efficacy through Adaptive Design: Two Case Studies


Session W 1.2 - Digital Portfolios
(Wednesday, 28-May-2008, 9H00-10H30)

Chair: Professor Michael Conlon and Professor Vasos Pavlika � University of Westminster � United Kingdom

Maria Santa-Clara Barbas and Ant�nio Moreira
WEB 3.0 Fluids Database: e-portfolio, Life Stories and Second Life

I. Martins, T. Correia and A. Soeiro
Digital Portfolios in University of Porto: Defining Goals

C. Tavares, M. Silva, and A. Albuquerque
ePortfolio�s in Translators� Training and Assessment


Session W 1.3 - Health Education, Nursing Education and Learning Difficulties
(Wednesday, 28-May-2007, 09H00-10H30)

Chair: Professor Rossana Marilli � �Careggi� University Hospital � Italy

Mala-Maung, Azman Abdullah and Norhasliza Hashi
A Longitudinal Study on a Self-Learning E-Resource Component of a Blended-Learning, Outcome-Based Medical Education

Diamanto Filippatou and Stavroula Kaldi
The Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning on Pupils with Mild Learning Difficulties: A Preliminary Study

Sheba S DMani and Azman Abdullah
Perceptions of a Literature in Medicine e-Learning Platform Through the Analysis of Usage Patterns: the IMU Experience

Ioan Moldovan; Lucia Hurubeanu; Grigore Baciut, Mihaela Băciut, Robert Sader and Hans-Florian Zeilhofer
Speech Correction in Children with Cleft Palate � Between Speech Therapy and Orofacial Surgery


Session W 1.4 - Technology and Multimedia in Education
(Wednesday, 28-May-2007, 09H00-10H30)

Chair: Professor Cheryl Howard � Monash University � Australia

Paula Sim�es, J. R. de Carvalho and M. Z. Rela
The Use of New Technologies in Education: Some Proposals on Designing an Entrepreneurship Course Using Second Life�

Baukje Veenstra, Paul L.C. van Geert and Bieuwe F. van der Meulen
Toddlers and Computers � Learning to Learn Through Computer Games: A Fundamental Approach

Pietro Piazzolla and Marco Gribaudo
Teaching the Aesthetic of Lighting in Cinema

Antonio �lvarez, Anna Pitarch and Joan Monferrer
Electronic ELP: the Challenge of Learner Autonomy


Plenary Session - Keynote Speaker
(Wednesday, 28-May-2008, 11:00 - 12:00)

Uwe Krebs - University of Erlangen Nuremberg - Germany
Teaching in the new Perspectives of Biological Anthropology and Brain Research




Session W 3.1 - Posters
(Wednesday, 28-May-2008, 14H00-16H00)

J. Gonz�lez, H. Pomares and I. Rojas
Use of the Sony PlayStation 2 to Motivate University Students into Learning Embedded Systems

H. Pomares, I. Rojas, L.J. Herrera, A. Guill�n, M. Damas, G. Rubio, A. Caras and J. Gonz�lez
Platform-Independent Didactic Environment for Digital Systems Design

M. Damas, H. Pomares and I. Rojas
A New e-Learning Strategy for Industrial Computation Students

Mar�a Pilar Cantero Vicente, Juan Luis Castej�n Costa and Pablo Mi�ano P�rez
Predicting Students' Academic Performance Based on Aptitudes, Specific Academic Self-concept and Motivation

N�lida P�rez P�rez, Mar�a Pilar Cantero Vicente and Juan Luis Castej�n Costa
Empathy, Social Skills and Emotional Intelligence: Implications for Developing Competencies in Teacher Training

Ana Mouta, Ana Ramos and In�s Nascimento
College Students' Dissactisfaction: A Vocational Guidance Phycological Intervention

Linda Ann Kolandai, Mala-Maung and Azman Abdullah
Features of a Blended-Learning Environment Facilitating Reflective Practice in a Postregistration Nursing Degree Programme

Susan Lee, Perryhan Moustafa and Patricia Reynolds
Call for Papers! First-year Students Create an Academic Conference

Rui C. Marques and Ana O. Brochado
Managerial Implications of HedPERF Results

Anne Lessard and Sylvine Schmidt
Classroom Management: An Analytical Framework


Session W 3.2 - Assessment Systems and Regulatory Models
(Wednesday, 28-May-2008, 14H00-16H00)

Chair: Professor Undurthy Lakshmi Narayana � Regional Institute of Education � India

Hassan A. Arafat, Bashar H. Sader and Rania M. Ismail
What does it Take for Instructors to Score High in Rapport and Grading on Student Rating Forms at a Palestinian University?

Pilar Gonz�lez-Torre, Mar�a A. Garc�a, Adenso D�az and Juan Asensio
Co-Assessment Experiences in University Studies

Jose F. Alvarez, Juan Asensio, Mar�a A. Garc�a and Pilar Gonz�lez
Adaptation of an Engineering Course to the EHEA: Competencies. Teaching Methodology and Assessment System

P.R. Bernardino and R.C. Marques
Comparison of Regulatory Models of Higher Education in Europe. The Portuguese Situation

Dilruba Kurum and Mustafa Saglam
The Postgraduate Students� Opinions about Instructional Development Program

Bridget Collins
Narrowing of Modes of Assessment and Mindset: Limitations to Life Long Learning


Session W 3.3 - Adult Education and Motivation Concerns
(Wednesday, 28-May-2008, 14H00-16H00)

Chair: Professor Sara Cervai � University of Trieste � Italy

Carolyn Mamchur and Linda Apps
Fallible Judgment

Lu�s Sobrado Fern�ndez
Diagnosis of the
Students Motivation by the Areas of the School Curriculum

Ciril Horjak Horowitz and Kata Vidović
Learning through Comics in Catering Company Slorest: Making Education Effective, Low-Cost and Fun

F�tima Barbosa and S�lvia Raquel Pereira
Aesthetics and Critical Theory: Suggestions to an Adult Education Pedagogy

Vivienne Griffiths, Stavroula Kaldi and Ana Luisa Oliveira Pires
Adult Learners and Entry to Higher Education: Motivation, Prior Experience and Entry Requirements

Ana V. Baptista, Jos� A. Bessa, Jos� P. Tavares and I. Huet
Studying Non-Traditional Adult Students� Motivation: A Research at the University of Aveiro


Session W 3.4 - Technology and Multimedia in Education
(Wednesday, 28-May-2008, 14H00-16H00)

Chair: Professor Pedro Cravo � Polytechnic Institute of Beja � Portugal

M. Amaral, D. Moura, C. Soares and A. Godinho
Development of Resources for Computer-Based Testing in Campus-Wide IT Systems

Ilias Karasavvidis
Patterns of Use of Online Resources in an Undergraduate ICT Course

Concei��o Costa and Manuel Dam�sio
Web Participative Design with Children: Visual Research in Action

M. Roca, C. Silva, P. Santos and P. Corsino
(Re)flections on the Courses of the Early Childhood Educator: His Knowledge and Approaches to Environmental Education

I. Eseni, A. Ogunleye and B. Adeoye
Development of Indigenous ICT-Based Software (Courseware) and its Application in Teacher Education In Nigeria

A. Maneira, M.S. Di Marco and M.J.P. Maneira
Blended Learning in Experimental Science and Technology. Practice and Future in Public Higher Education


Session W 4.1 - Teaching and Learning Strategies
(Wednesday, 28-May-2008, 16H30-18H30)

Chair: Professor Lynn McQuarrie � University of Alberta � Canada

Ahmed Yousif Abdelraheem and Askin Asan
Using and Sharing Digital Teaching Materials at College of Education of Sultan Qaboos University

Bj�rn Kruse
Improvisation as a Dialogical Model in the Creative Thought Process

I. Ferreira, O. Pinho, M. Amaral and I. Martins
Application of Blended-Learning Strategies on Sensory analysis' Teaching

G�rsu Aşık and Merve �z�alli
Curiousitivism: A New Model to Learning

Abdeljalil M�tioui and Louis Trudel
Innovative Teaching Strategies: Teaching Circuit Analysis from First Principles

D. Neri de Souza and F. Neri de Souza
Questioning and Explanation: An Active Learning Method

Robert Munro and Christine Percival
The Summer Academy � A Proven Educational Intervention Strategy

Basil Janavaras, Emanuel Gomes and Punyadip Cheema
Problem-Based Learning in Global Strategy: Responses from Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students

Patrick Farren
Pre-Service Modern Language Teacher Education: Involving Student-Teachers in Autonomous Teaching


Session W 4.2 - Quality in Education
(Wednesday, 28-May-2008, 16H30-18H30)

Chair: Professor Michael Kompf � Brock University � Canada

Gazi M. Alam
Quality Assurance at the Affiliated Institutions of Higher Education of the National University of Bangladesh

Maria Luisa Pedditzi
Quality of the Scholastic System and Teacher Satisfaction

Ana O. Brochado and Rui C. Marques
Comparing five Instruments to Measure Service Quality in Higher Education

Gazi Mahabubul Alam and Mirja Mohammad Shahjamal
Quality Assurance in Private University of Bangladesh: Its Status, Problems and Strategic Plans

Gazi Mahabubul Alam and Mirja Mohammad Shahjamal
Quality Assurance of HE Provided Through Open and Distance Mode: A Case Study on Status, Problems and Some Strategic Plans of Bangladesh Open University

Derya At�k Kara and Esed Yagci
Adult Learners and the Quality of Instruction at In-service Training

Sara Cervai, Luca Cian, Barbara A. Fabbro and Massimo Borelli
ExPerO � A Model to Assess the Quality of the Learning Outcome


Session W 4.3 - Teacher Education
(Wednesday, 28-May-2008, 16H30-18H30)

Chair: Professor Peter Reimann � University of Sydney � Australia

Elaine Wilson
Blended Learning in Teacher Education

Erja Syrj�l�inen and Riitta Jyrh�m�
Why do Teachers want to become Mentors?

Gagik Demirjian
Application of Innovative European Strategies in Armenian Education Environment

Gultekin Cakmakci
Preparing Teachers as Researchers: Science Student Teachers� Views on Educational Research

Blaine E. Hatt and Julie K. Corkett
Post-modern Instructional Design: Teacher as Slave

E. Z. Mugaloglu and Z. Doganca
An Attempt to Fulfil �the Missing Link� in Teacher Education: A Collaborative Action Research Project


Session W 4.4 - Cultural, Ethical and Economic Issues
(Wednesday, 28-May-2008, 16H30-18H30)

Chair: Professor Fernando Teixeira � Polytechnic Institute of Beja � Portugal

Melinda Webber
The Role of Education in Ethnic Identity Development: the Experiences of Hybrid Maori/European in New Zealand

Tebeje Molla
Dealing With Unquestioned Epistemic Assumptions of the History Teacher Learner: How Can We Use Transformative Learning Theory?

M.M.Ryan, M.Ogilvie, and A.Bevilaqua
Teaching Marketing Research: Using a Bridging Vehicle to Increase Deep Learning

S. Martellos and P.L. Nimis
KeyToNature: Teaching and Learning Biodiversity. Dryades, the Italian Experience

Maria Salete Batista Freitag and Nilza Maria Vlilhena Nunes da Costa
The Training Dimensions in The Practices of Internal Consultants and Tutors of Petrobras � Business Unit Rio Grande do Norte and Cear�

Maria M. Ryan and Gary Marchioro
A Model for Experiential Learning and Community Engagement in Marketing Research


Closing Ceremony
(Wednesday, 28-May-2008, 18:30)

We apologise, but change requests will not be considered

Please, follow the next guidelines for presenters:


  • Presenters should get the updated Programme that is distributed with the conference bags, search for their presentation slot and be in the presentation room 5 minutes before the session starts. The presentations are performed by the order the papers appear in the Programme except if anyone requests for changes and the session chair agrees to them. Conference presenters must follow session chairs indications and comply with the presentation times that they are allowed to.

  • Each presenter will have 15 to 20 minutes for presentation and 5 to 10 minutes for discussion. IASK staff will provide you with a laptop and projector for your presentation. Each room has one laptop that can be used for your presentation. There is also a computer projector for Power Point presentations. There's no overhead projector. All authors are required to bring their presentations in electronic format (i.e., Power Point).

  • As a precaution, presentations can be previously emailed to [email protected].

  • Please Note: certificates will only be delivered after presentations.

  • Please contact IASK Secretariat on arrival if you have any specific requirements.


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